Source code for mt940.processors

# encoding=utf-8
import re
import functools
import calendar
import collections

[docs] def add_currency_pre_processor(currency, overwrite=True): def _add_currency_pre_processor(transactions, tag, tag_dict, *args): if 'currency' not in tag_dict or overwrite: # pragma: no branch tag_dict['currency'] = currency return tag_dict return _add_currency_pre_processor
[docs] def date_fixup_pre_processor(transactions, tag, tag_dict, *args): """ Replace illegal February 29, 30 dates with the last day of February. German banks use a variant of the 30/360 interest rate calculation, where each month has always 30 days even February. Python's datetime module won't accept such dates. """ if tag_dict['month'] == '02': year = int(tag_dict['year'], 10) _, max_month_day = calendar.monthrange(year, 2) if int(tag_dict['day'], 10) > max_month_day: tag_dict['day'] = str(max_month_day) return tag_dict
[docs] def date_cleanup_post_processor(transactions, tag, tag_dict, result): for k in ('day', 'month', 'year', 'entry_day', 'entry_month'): result.pop(k, None) return result
[docs] def mBank_set_transaction_code(transactions, tag, tag_dict, *args): """ mBank Collect uses transaction code 911 to distinguish icoming mass payments transactions, adding transaction_code may be helpful in further processing """ tag_dict['transaction_code'] = int( tag_dict[tag.slug].split(';')[0].split(' ', 1)[0] ) return tag_dict
iph_id_re = re.compile(r' ID IPH: X*(?P<iph_id>\d{0,14});')
[docs] def mBank_set_iph_id(transactions, tag, tag_dict, *args): """ mBank Collect uses ID IPH to distinguish between virtual accounts, adding iph_id may be helpful in further processing """ matches =[tag.slug]) if matches: # pragma no branch tag_dict['iph_id'] = matches.groupdict()['iph_id'] return tag_dict
tnr_re = re.compile( r'TNR:[ \n](?P<tnr>\d+\.\d+)', flags=re.MULTILINE | re.UNICODE )
[docs] def mBank_set_tnr(transactions, tag, tag_dict, *args): """ mBank Collect states TNR in transaction details as unique id for transactions, that may be used to identify the same transactions in different statement files eg. partial mt942 and full mt940 Information about tnr uniqueness has been obtained from mBank support, it lacks in mt940 mBank specification. """ matches =[tag.slug]) if matches: # pragma no branch tag_dict['tnr'] = matches.groupdict()['tnr'] return tag_dict
# DETAIL_KEYS = { '': 'transaction_code', '00': 'posting_text', '10': 'prima_nota', '20': 'purpose', '30': 'applicant_bin', '31': 'applicant_iban', '32': 'applicant_name', '34': 'return_debit_notes', '35': 'recipient_name', '60': 'additional_purpose', } # GVC_KEYS = { '': 'purpose', 'IBAN': 'gvc_applicant_iban', 'BIC ': 'gvc_applicant_bin', 'EREF': 'end_to_end_reference', 'MREF': 'additional_position_reference', 'CRED': 'applicant_creditor_id', 'PURP': 'purpose_code', 'SVWZ': 'purpose', 'MDAT': 'additional_position_date', 'ABWA': 'deviate_applicant', 'ABWE': 'deviate_recipient', 'SQTP': 'FRST_ONE_OFF_RECC', 'ORCR': 'old_SEPA_CI', 'ORMR': 'old_SEPA_additional_position_reference', 'DDAT': 'settlement_tag', 'KREF': 'customer_reference', 'DEBT': 'debitor_identifier', 'COAM': 'compensation_amount', 'OAMT': 'original_amount', } def _parse_mt940_details(detail_str, space=False): result = collections.defaultdict(list) tmp = collections.OrderedDict() segment = '' segment_type = '' for index, char in enumerate(detail_str): if char != '?': segment += char continue if index + 2 >= len(detail_str): break tmp[segment_type] = segment if not segment_type else segment[2:] segment_type = detail_str[index + 1] + detail_str[index + 2] segment = '' if segment_type: # pragma: no branch tmp[segment_type] = segment if not segment_type else segment[2:] for key, value in tmp.items(): if key in DETAIL_KEYS: result[DETAIL_KEYS[key]].append(value) elif key == '33': key32 = DETAIL_KEYS['32'] result[key32].append(value) elif key.startswith('2'): key20 = DETAIL_KEYS['20'] result[key20].append(value) elif key in {'60', '61', '62', '63', '64', '65'}: key60 = DETAIL_KEYS['60'] result[key60].append(value) joined_result = dict() for key in DETAIL_KEYS.values(): if space: value = ' '.join(result[key]) else: value = ''.join(result[key]) joined_result[key] = value or None return joined_result def _parse_mt940_gvcodes(purpose): result = {} for key, value in GVC_KEYS.items(): result[value] = None tmp = {} segment_type = None text = '' for index, char in enumerate(purpose): if char == '+' and purpose[index - 4:index] in GVC_KEYS: if segment_type: tmp[segment_type] = text[:-4] text = '' else: text = '' segment_type = purpose[index - 4:index] else: text += char if segment_type: # pragma: no branch tmp[segment_type] = text else: tmp[''] = text # pragma: no cover for key, value in tmp.items(): result[GVC_KEYS[key]] = value return result
[docs] def transaction_details_post_processor( transactions, tag, tag_dict, result, space=False): '''Parse the extra details in some transaction formats such as the 60-65 keys. Args: transactions (mt940.models.Transactions): list of transactions tag (mt940.tags.Tag): tag tag_dict (dict): dict with the raw tag details result (dict): the resulting tag dict space (bool): include spaces between lines in the mt940 details ''' details = tag_dict['transaction_details'] details = ''.join(detail.strip('\n\r') for detail in details.splitlines()) # check for e.g. 103?00... if re.match(r'^\d{3}\?\d{2}', details): result.update(_parse_mt940_details(details, space=space)) purpose = result.get('purpose') if purpose and any( gvk in purpose for gvk in GVC_KEYS if gvk != '' ): # pragma: no branch result.update(_parse_mt940_gvcodes(result['purpose'])) del result['transaction_details'] return result
transaction_details_post_processor_with_space = functools.partial( transaction_details_post_processor, space=True )
[docs] def transactions_to_transaction(*keys): '''Copy the global transactions details to the transaction. Args: *keys (str): the keys to copy to the transaction ''' def _transactions_to_transaction(transactions, tag, tag_dict, result): '''Copy the global transactions details to the transaction. Args: transactions (mt940.models.Transactions): list of transactions tag (mt940.tags.Tag): tag tag_dict (dict): dict with the raw tag details result (dict): the resulting tag dict ''' for key in keys: if key in result[key] =[key] return result return _transactions_to_transaction