Source code for mt940.tags

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The MT940 format is a standard for bank account statements. It is used by
many banks in Europe and is based on the SWIFT MT940 format.

The MT940 tags are:

| Tag     | Description                                                     |
| `:13:`  | Date/Time indication at which the report was created            |
| `:20:`  | Transaction Reference Number                                    |
| `:21:`  | Related Reference Number                                        |
| `:25:`  | Account Identification                                          |
| `:28:`  | Statement Number                                                |
| `:34:`  | The floor limit for debit and credit                            |
| `:60F:` | Opening Balance                                                 |
| `:60M:` | Intermediate Balance                                            |
| `:60E:` | Closing Balance                                                 |
| `:61:`  | Statement Line                                                  |
| `:62:`  | Closing Balance                                                 |
| `:62M:` | Intermediate Closing Balance                                    |
| `:62F:` | Final Closing Balance                                           |
| `:64:`  | Available Balance                                               |
| `:65:`  | Forward Available Balance                                       |
| `:86:`  | Transaction Information                                         |
| `:90:`  | Total number and amount of debit entries                        |
| `:NS:`  | Bank specific Non-swift extensions containing extra information |



.. _Swift for corporates:\
.. _Rabobank MT940:\

 - `Swift for corporates`_
 - `Rabobank MT940`_

The pattern for the tags use the following syntax:


    [] = optional
    ! = fixed length
    a = Text
    x = Alphanumeric, seems more like text actually. Can include special
        characters (slashes) and whitespace as well as letters and numbers
    d = Numeric separated by decimal (usually comma)
    c = Code list value
    n = Numeric
from __future__ import print_function

import logging
import re

    import enum
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    import sys

    print('MT940 requires the `enum34` package', file=sys.stderr)

    class enum(object):
        def unique(*args, **kwargs):
            return []

        Enum = object

from . import models

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Tag(object): id = 0 RE_FLAGS = re.IGNORECASE | re.VERBOSE | re.UNICODE scope = models.Transactions def __init__(self): = re.compile(self.pattern, self.RE_FLAGS)
[docs] def parse(self, transactions, value): match = if match: # pragma: no branch self.logger.debug( 'matched (%d) %r against "%s", got: %s', len(value), value, self.pattern, match.groupdict() ) else: # pragma: no cover self.logger.error( 'matching id=%s (len=%d) "%s" against\n %s',, len(value), value, self.pattern ) part_value = value for pattern in self.pattern.split('\n'): match = re.match(pattern, part_value, self.RE_FLAGS) if match: 'matched %r against %r, got: %s', pattern,, match.groupdict() ) part_value = part_value[len(] else: self.logger.error( 'no match for %r against %r', pattern, part_value ) raise RuntimeError( 'Unable to parse %r from %r' % (self, value), self, value ) return match.groupdict()
def __call__(self, transactions, value): return value def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): = cls.__name__ words = re.findall('([A-Z][a-z]+)', cls.__name__) cls.slug = '_'.join(w.lower() for w in words) cls.logger = logger.getChild( return object.__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) def __hash__(self): return
[docs] class DateTimeIndication(Tag): '''Date/Time indication at which the report was created Pattern: 6!n4!n1! x4!n ''' id = 13 pattern = r'''^ (?P<year>\d{2}) (?P<month>\d{2}) (?P<day>\d{2}) (?P<hour>\d{2}) (?P<minute>\d{2}) (\+(?P<offset>\d{4})|) ''' def __call__(self, transactions, value): data = super(DateTimeIndication, self).__call__(transactions, value) return { 'date': models.DateTime(**data) }
[docs] class TransactionReferenceNumber(Tag): '''Transaction reference number Pattern: 16x ''' id = 20 pattern = r'(?P<transaction_reference>.{0,16})'
[docs] class RelatedReference(Tag): '''Related reference Pattern: 16x ''' id = 21 pattern = r'(?P<related_reference>.{0,16})'
[docs] class AccountIdentification(Tag): '''Account identification Pattern: 35x ''' id = 25 pattern = r'(?P<account_identification>.{0,35})'
[docs] class StatementNumber(Tag): '''Statement number / sequence number Pattern: 5n[/5n] ''' id = 28 pattern = r''' (?P<statement_number>\d{1,5}) # 5n (?:/?(?P<sequence_number>\d{1,5}))? # [/5n] $'''
[docs] class FloorLimitIndicator(Tag): '''Floor limit indicator indicates the minimum value reported for debit and credit amounts Pattern: :34F:GHSC0,00 ''' id = 34 pattern = r'''^ (?P<currency>[A-Z]{3}) # 3!a Currency (?P<status>[DC ]?) # 2a Debit/Credit Mark (?P<amount>[0-9,]{0,16}) # 15d Amount (includes decimal sign, so 16) $''' def __call__(self, transactions, value): data = super(FloorLimitIndicator, self).__call__(transactions, value) if data['status']: return { data['status'].lower() + '_floor_limit': models.Amount(**data) } data_d = data.copy() data_c = data.copy() data_d.update({'status': 'D'}) data_c.update({'status': 'C'}) return { 'd_floor_limit': models.Amount(**data_d), 'c_floor_limit': models.Amount(**data_c) }
[docs] class NonSwift(Tag): '''Non-swift extension for MT940 containing extra information. The actual definition is not consistent between banks so the current implementation is a tad limited. Feel free to extend the implementation and create a pull request with a better version :) It seems this could be anything so we'll have to be flexible about it. Pattern: `2!n35x | *x` '''
[docs] class scope(models.Transaction, models.Transactions): pass
id = 'NS' pattern = r''' (?P<non_swift> ( (\d{2}.{0,}) (\n\d{2}.{0,})* )|( [^\n]* ) ) $''' sub_pattern = r''' (?P<ns_id>\d{2})(?P<ns_data>.{0,}) ''' sub_pattern_m = re.compile( sub_pattern, re.IGNORECASE | re.VERBOSE | re.UNICODE ) def __call__(self, transactions, value): text = [] data = value['non_swift'] for line in data.split('\n'): frag = self.sub_pattern_m.match(line) if frag and ns = frag.groupdict() value['non_swift_' + ns['ns_id']] = ns['ns_data'] text.append(ns['ns_data']) elif len(text) and text[-1]: text.append('') elif line.strip(): text.append(line.strip()) value['non_swift_text'] = '\n'.join(text) value['non_swift'] = data return value
[docs] class BalanceBase(Tag): '''Balance base Pattern: 1!a6!n3!a15d ''' pattern = r'''^ (?P<status>[DC]) # 1!a Debit/Credit (?P<year>\d{2}) # 6!n Value Date (YYMMDD) (?P<month>\d{2}) (?P<day>\d{2}) (?P<currency>.{3}) # 3!a Currency (?P<amount>[0-9,]{0,16}) # 15d Amount (includes decimal sign, so 16) ''' def __call__(self, transactions, value): data = super(BalanceBase, self).__call__(transactions, value) data['amount'] = models.Amount(**data) data['date'] = models.Date(**data) return { self.slug: models.Balance(**data) }
[docs] class OpeningBalance(BalanceBase): id = 60
[docs] class FinalOpeningBalance(BalanceBase): id = '60F'
[docs] class IntermediateOpeningBalance(BalanceBase): id = '60M'
[docs] class Statement(Tag): ''' The MT940 Tag 61 provides information about a single transaction that has taken place on the account. Each transaction is identified by a unique transaction reference number (Tag 20) and is described in the Statement Line (Tag 61). Pattern: 6!n[4!n]2a[1!a]15d1!a3!c23x[//16x] The fields are: - `value_date`: transaction date (YYMMDD) - `entry_date`: Optional 4-digit month value and 2-digit day value of the entry date (MMDD) - `funds_code`: Optional 1-character code indicating the funds type ( the third character of the currency code if needed) - `amount`: 15-digit value of the transaction amount, including commas for decimal separation - `transaction_type`: Optional 4-character transaction type identification code starting with a letter followed by alphanumeric characters and spaces - `customer_reference`: Optional 16-character customer reference, excluding any bank reference - `bank_reference`: Optional 23-character bank reference starting with "//" - `supplementary_details`: Optional 34-character supplementary details about the transaction. The Tag 61 can occur multiple times within an MT940 file, with each occurrence representing a different transaction. ''' id = 61 scope = models.Transaction pattern = r'''^ (?P<year>\d{2}) # 6!n Value Date (YYMMDD) (?P<month>\d{2}) (?P<day>\d{2}) (?P<entry_month>\d{2})? # [4!n] Entry Date (MMDD) (?P<entry_day>\d{2})? (?P<status>R?[DC]) # 2a Debit/Credit Mark (?P<funds_code>[A-Z])? # [1!a] Funds Code (3rd character of the currency # code, if needed) [\n ]? # apparently some banks (sparkassen) incorporate newlines here # cuscal can also send a space here as well (?P<amount>[\d,]{1,15}) # 15d Amount (?P<id>[A-Z][A-Z0-9 ]{3})? # 1!a3!c Transaction Type Identification Code # We need the (slow) repeating negative lookahead to search for // so we # don't acciddntly include the bank reference in the customer reference. (?P<customer_reference>((?!//)[^\n]){0,16}) # 16x Customer Reference (//(?P<bank_reference>.{0,23}))? # [//23x] Bank Reference (\n?(?P<extra_details>.{0,34}))? # [34x] Supplementary Details $''' def __call__(self, transactions, value): data = super(Statement, self).__call__(transactions, value) data.setdefault('currency', transactions.currency) data['amount'] = models.Amount(**data) date = data['date'] = models.Date(**data) if data.get('entry_day') and data.get('entry_month'): entry_date = data['entry_date'] = models.Date( day=data.get('entry_day'), month=data.get('entry_month'), year=str(data['date'].year), ) if date > entry_date and (date - entry_date).days >= 330: year = 1 elif entry_date > date and (entry_date - date).days >= 330: year = -1 else: year = 0 data['guessed_entry_date'] = models.Date(, month=entry_date.month, year=entry_date.year + year, ) return data
[docs] class StatementASNB(Statement): '''StatementASNB From: Pattern: 6!n[4!n]2a[1!a]15d1!a3!c16x[//16x] [34x] But ASN bank puts the IBAN in the customer reference, which is acording to Wikipedia at most 34 characters. So this is the new pattern: Pattern: 6!n[4!n]2a[1!a]15d1!a3!c34x[//16x] [34x] ''' pattern = r'''^ (?P<year>\d{2}) # 6!n Value Date (YYMMDD) (?P<month>\d{2}) (?P<day>\d{2}) (?P<entry_month>\d{2})? # [4!n] Entry Date (MMDD) (?P<entry_day>\d{2})? (?P<status>[A-Z]?[DC]) # 2a Debit/Credit Mark (?P<funds_code>[A-Z])? # [1!a] Funds Code (3rd character of the currency # code, if needed) \n? # apparently some banks (sparkassen) incorporate newlines here (?P<amount>[\d,]{1,15}) # 15d Amount (?P<id>[A-Z][A-Z0-9 ]{3})? # 1!a3!c Transaction Type Identification Code (?P<customer_reference>.{0,34}) # 34x Customer Reference (//(?P<bank_reference>.{0,16}))? # [//16x] Bank Reference (\n?(?P<extra_details>.{0,34}))? # [34x] Supplementary Details $''' def __call__(self, transactions, value): return super(StatementASNB, self).__call__(transactions, value)
[docs] class ClosingBalance(BalanceBase): id = 62
[docs] class IntermediateClosingBalance(ClosingBalance): id = '62M'
[docs] class FinalClosingBalance(ClosingBalance): id = '62F'
[docs] class AvailableBalance(BalanceBase): id = 64
[docs] class ForwardAvailableBalance(BalanceBase): id = 65
[docs] class TransactionDetails(Tag): '''Transaction details Pattern: 6x65x ''' id = 86 scope = models.Transaction pattern = r''' (?P<transaction_details>(([\s\S]{0,65}\r?\n?){0,8}[\s\S]{0,65})) '''
[docs] class SumEntries(Tag): '''Number and Sum of debit Entries ''' id = 90 pattern = r'''^ (?P<number>\d*) (?P<currency>.{3}) # 3!a Currency (?P<amount>[\d,]{1,15}) # 15d Amount ''' def __call__(self, transactions, value): data = super(SumEntries, self).__call__(transactions, value) data['status'] = self.status return { self.slug: models.SumAmount(**data) }
[docs] class SumDebitEntries(SumEntries): status = 'D' id = '90D'
[docs] class SumCreditEntries(SumEntries): status = 'C' id = '90C'
[docs] @enum.unique class Tags(enum.Enum): DATE_TIME_INDICATION = DateTimeIndication() TRANSACTION_REFERENCE_NUMBER = TransactionReferenceNumber() RELATED_REFERENCE = RelatedReference() ACCOUNT_IDENTIFICATION = AccountIdentification() STATEMENT_NUMBER = StatementNumber() OPENING_BALANCE = OpeningBalance() INTERMEDIATE_OPENING_BALANCE = IntermediateOpeningBalance() FINAL_OPENING_BALANCE = FinalOpeningBalance() STATEMENT = Statement() CLOSING_BALANCE = ClosingBalance() INTERMEDIATE_CLOSING_BALANCE = IntermediateClosingBalance() FINAL_CLOSING_BALANCE = FinalClosingBalance() AVAILABLE_BALANCE = AvailableBalance() FORWARD_AVAILABLE_BALANCE = ForwardAvailableBalance() TRANSACTION_DETAILS = TransactionDetails() FLOOR_LIMIT_INDICATOR = FloorLimitIndicator() NON_SWIFT = NonSwift() SUM_ENTRIES = SumEntries() SUM_DEBIT_ENTRIES = SumDebitEntries() SUM_CREDIT_ENTRIES = SumCreditEntries()
TAG_BY_ID = { t.value for t in Tags}