Source code for mt940.utils

from __future__ import annotations

import enum
import typing

T = typing.TypeVar('T')

[docs] def coalesce(*args: T | None) -> T | None: """ Return the first non-None argument. Examples: >>> coalesce() >>> coalesce(0, 1) 0 >>> coalesce(None, 0) 0 Returns: The first non-None argument or None if all are None. """ return next((arg for arg in args if arg is not None), None)
[docs] class Strip(enum.IntFlag): """Enumeration of options for stripping whitespace in strings.""" NONE = 0 """Do not strip any whitespace.""" LEFT = 1 """Strip leading whitespace.""" RIGHT = 2 """Strip trailing whitespace.""" BOTH = LEFT | RIGHT """Strip both leading and trailing whitespace."""
[docs] def join_lines(string: str, strip: Strip = Strip.BOTH) -> str: """ Join strings together and strip whitespace in between if needed. Args: string: The string with lines to join. strip: Strip options from the Strip enum. >>> join_lines(' line1\\nline2 \\n line3 ') 'line1line2line3' >>> join_lines(' line1\\nline2 \\n line3 ', strip=Strip.LEFT) 'line1line2 line3 ' >>> join_lines(' line1\\nline2 \\n line3 ', strip=Strip.RIGHT) ' line1line2 line3' >>> join_lines(' line1\\nline2 \\n line3 ', strip=Strip.NONE) ' line1line2 line3 ' Returns: The joined string. """ strip_left = bool(strip & Strip.LEFT) strip_right = bool(strip & Strip.RIGHT) strip_func: typing.Callable[[str], str] if strip_left and strip_right: strip_func = lambda s: s.strip() # noqa: E731 elif strip_left: strip_func = lambda s: s.lstrip() # noqa: E731 elif strip_right: strip_func = lambda s: s.rstrip() # noqa: E731 else: strip_func = lambda s: s # noqa: E731 lines = [strip_func(line) for line in string.splitlines()] return ''.join(lines)